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Priory Road Carriageway Resurfacing Works

  • Client: Hull City Council
  • Location: Priory Road (Hotham Road South to County Road South)
  • Value: £287,000
  • Period: August 2021 – September 2021


This project involved the resurfacing of the carriageway from Hotham Road South to County Road South.


  • Planning off the existing tarmac to expose the existing concrete carriageway
  • carry out concrete repairs and blowout & re-seal joints to concrete bays
  • Break out and renew gully & manhole covers and frames, set to the height of the proposed new tarmac
  • Lay SAMI layer (binder course) and Ultilayer Surface course to required levels to create required falls on new surface
  • Installation of buff anti-skid, green anti-skid cycle lanes and road markings

The works were completed under a road closure in two phases and there was a lot of involvement from the PBS site engineer during the planning of the existing tarmac and installation of new surfacing to ensure everything was laid to the correct level.

Additional works also involved resurfacing the stretch of footpath from the shops to the school. We came across a lot of soft spots that we quickly had to dig out and stone up for ready for the tarmac surfacing.

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