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New Bridlington Town AFC Clubhouse

  • Client: Bridlington Town AFC
  • Location: Bridlington Town AFC, Queensgate, Bridlington
  • Value: £255,000
  • Period: March 2020 – August 2020

August 2020 marked the start of a new era for Bridlington Town AFC in term of off-field facilities as construction of its new clubhouse was completed.

The project was funded by grants from the Football Stadia Improvement Fund (the sister organisation of the Football Foundation) and the Yorkshire Coast Community Led Local Development Programme in connection with East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

PBS was the lead contractor on the scheme, working alongside another East Yorkshire-based company, Integra Buildings. The existing modular-built clubhouse was donated to Scottish non-league club Bellshill Athletic after theirs was destroyed by fire.

Once the existing clubhouse had departed for Scotland and the site was clear, PBS completed the foundation and drainage works. The new clubhouse was manufactured in seven parts at Integra’s production facilities in Paull using cutting-edge modular techniques.

The units were then transported by lorry to Bridlington where they were assembled to create the new clubhouse. The project was delivered to the original timescale despite the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.

As well as being used on matchdays, the clubhouse will be used throughout the week as a valuable community asset for Bridlington.

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