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Godnow Road Infrastructure Improvement Scheme

  • Client: North Lincolnshire Council
  • Locations: Godnow Road, Crowle
  • Value: £2.4m
  • Period: May 2023 – October 2024


The works consisted of full depth re-construction to the carriageway on Godnow Road, as well as the installation of a new highway surface water drainage system consisting of carrier drain(s), manholes, beany blocks and gullies. The extent of the scheme was between A161 High Street and Crowle Colts Football Club towards the west of Godnow Road.

As part of the works, the installation of a foul sewer on behalf of Severn Trent Water was included within the scheme. The sewer included deep drainage and manhole chambers. The Severn Trent system was installed on Godnow Road between A161 High Street and Windsor Road. The foul sewer was to complement the existing system and not to replace it.

The new 450mm & 375mm diameter foul sewer installation faced extreme challenges due to very poor ground conditions such as running sand, to a length of 400 metres, carried out under winter periods also. Following the installation of the new drainage, the carriageway was fully reconstructed from Windsor Road to Wharf Road junctions of Godnow Road, as per the same length of the new foul drainage.

The carriageway on the Western half of the scheme from Windsor Road to Crowle Colts Football Club comprised only a 100mm deep plane and resurface due to improved ground conditions which was not disturbed by the installation of new drainage.

Both sides of the footpath to the full scheme length (850m) were renewed and resurfaced, including new kerbs, edging kerbs and tactiles in addition to residents’ driveways.

A temporary car park and site storage area was constructed as part of the works to allow alternative parking for residents for the duration of the scheme.

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